About us
ADOC International Trading is an innovative company, which offers a wide variety of services centered around gas and fuel oil.
Headquartered in the Kingdom of Bahrain, ADOC International Trading is strategically located in the center of the Middle East, in order to be able to capture the demand from Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Qatar, UAE and other gulf coutries. Despite having close ties, connections and partnerships with many gulf companies, ADOC International Trading is still a world-wide corporation,which serves it's broader customers as well.
The companywas founded in 2023 and it has a strong management team, which collectively has decades of experience and business knowledge. It is this blend of expertise with low beurocracy and formality, which allows ADOC to deliver a top notch service to it's clients without requiring hundreds of email, meetings and long decision times.
Why choose ADOC?
We believe that delivering exceptional value is the only way to succeede in the fair, competitive market. This is why, as a company, we are always focused on providing you with the best service, at the most competitive price point with the most optimal conditions.
Additionally, we are not interested in one-time, rather our primary goal is to create long-term partnerships with companies, forge bonds and to have mutually benenfitial connections for years to come.
At the core of our company, there are values that drive forward our operations, decision-making and strategy for expansion:

Transparency, because, as a company, we are 100% transparent with all our clients about what, why and how we do. And we expect the exact same in return.

Speed, because speed in decision-making, speed in problem resolution, speed in adaptation is the main aspect that allowed us to outrun our competition.

Adaptation, because a company cannot survive long-term without adapting to the ever-changing market conditions, offers, products, norms and innovations.

Commitment, becuase it would be impossible for us to build the company that we have today, without fighting for our existance everyday and overcoming obstacles.
Bunkering. We would organize and conduct bunkering of your vessel with MGO or IFO380 at Khalifa Bin Salman Port, Bahrain or at the Hamad Port, Qatar. The quaility standard of our products is as per ISO 8217:2010.
Our services
Marine fuel oil & gas oil trading. We trade oil products world-wide abiding the FCA - DAP IncomeTerms. Representing your company, we would organize the purcahse or sale of Marine Fuel Oil & Gas oil products, organize the shipment and delivery as per the contract.
Vessel time charter. We would organize deals for your company to time charter vessels of our partner companies in the UAE and Croatia. In case your company requests vessels with capacity larger than Handy, we would use our connections to negotiate with suppliers on your behalf.